The Church on the Hill in East EphrataBergstrasse Church, a mission outpost of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Americaserving God's people for 270 years!

Welcome to Bergstrasse Church in Ephrata. Whoever you are, wherever you have come from, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We are a spiritual community on a journey – a journey of faith, learning what it means to be progressive Christians in our world who embrace the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ. We seek to be the radically inclusive message of love into our community.

Welcome to Bergstrasse Church in Ephrata. Whoever you are, wherever you have come from, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We are a spiritual community on a journey – a journey of faith, learning what it means to be progressive Christians in our world who embrace the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ. We seek to be the radically inclusive message of love into our community.
"An imperfect, but welcoming, accepting community of love and compassion for our neighbors."
Bergstrasse Community Clothing Closet
for persons needing clothes, and accessoried
Donations accepted during opening hours
Open first Saturday and Sunday of each month
Saturday - NOON - 2 pm
Sunday - 11am - 1pm
Entrance is accessible via lower parking lot
Community Garden
Our community garden is planted and growing each day!
Weeding and Harvesting days coming soon.
All harvests benefit Ephrata Area Social Services
Hand up Grocery Pantry
Gather on the Hill for ourSenior Neighbors
Know a senior wanting a place to socialize? Meet new people?
Come on over to Bergstrasse Church the first Tuesday of each month
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Food, Fellowship, and Fun
Call Ephrata Area Social Services to register or to arrange transportation
Friday Nights on the Hill
6:00 pm - bring your supper too!
Campfire Friday's return!!
Bring a lawn chair, relax, unwind and make friends!
Room for the whole family!!
contribution of any size to our "General Fund" (ministry expenses) or "Improvement Fund" (building or property improvements). All donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your generosity.

Mailing Address: 9 Hahnstown Road, Ephrata, PA 17522
Phone: 717.733.7808
Our monthly newsletter
The Bell click here