Serving beyond our Walls
Bergstrasse has a strong tradition of outreach and mission both locally and throughout the world. We honor our call to serve our neighbor near and far.
OUR PARTNERS IN MISSION - local organizations who serve our neighbors experiencing life challenges. We offer our financial resources and by volunteering our time.
Luther Acres, mature adults living in community in Lititz PA.
Ephrata Area Social Services, by providing non-perishable food and gently used clothing to be distributed to persons in our local area.
Lutheran World Relief, an outreach mission of the ELCA offering humanitarian goods around the world. Each year Bergstrasse offers nearly 100 hand sewn quilts and 50 school kits.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the broader church expression serving in the United States and beyond
Lower Susquehanna Synod of ELCA, our local broader Church expression in South Central Pennsylvania.
Lititz Chooses Love, by providing non-perishable food and gently used to clothing to be used in the local community.
Stitches of Love - Hand crafted quilts for Lutheran World Relief meets the Fourth Tuesday of each month beginning at 9am in the Lower Level.
Picture Credits:
TOP - Quilts displayed for Lutheran World Relief.
MIDDLE - Filled Backpacks and Quilts displayed for Lutheran World Relief.
BOTTOM - Bergstrasse is the Gathering Place for local congregations sending human service needs to Lutheran World Relief.
Gathering for distribution to our neighbors
Ephrata Area Social Services - ongoing collection of canned goods, non perishable items
Lancaster Emergency Services - ongoing collection of under garments for men, women and children, including thermal wear. Distributed via the Shower Truck serving persons without homes in Lancaster County.
Advantage House - Women and Children's winter coats, mittens, gloves, hats, scarves
All donations can be dropped off at Bergstrasse Church during office hours or at worship times.
Bergstrasse Evangelical Lutheran Church, 9 Hahnstown Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-7808