Learning & Faith Formation

Continued learning is essential to grow your relationship with God. At Bergstrasse we strive to provide for learning in person or online via ZOOM. Learning strengthens us so that we can better serve our neighbor and God with abundant love.

A few of our Learning Opportunities

Bible or Book Studies - specific books of the Bible, or books of local interest that stimulate engagement for a building a sustaining community of hope.

A sampling of our recent studies: 
"Inspired" a fresh look at scripture, by Rachel Held Evans

"This is God's Table: Finding Church beyond the Walls", creating community in non-traditional settings, by Anna Woofenden

"Dear Church", a challenging love letter to the ELCA on racism in America with encouragement to the church to take a lead to dismantle systemic racism, by Lenny Duncan

Open conversations 
around life and faith!  

Currently being reimagined!

Bergstrasse Evangelical Lutheran Church, 9 Hahnstown Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-7808 


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